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KiteCrew App FAQs


KiteCrew App FAQs

This guide answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the KiteCrew App.


We recommend families choose someone they trust to act as the Captain (or administrator). This person is responsible for adding the tasks, inviting members, and fielding questions from the network. If you want to set up a support network for someone else, make sure you ask their permission and ensure they are involved in nominating the help needed.

If you are ready to help by setting up a support network and acting as the Captain, you can download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

If you want to help as a member, you must be invited by the Captain to help out. Members receive an SMS invite with a link to the network. For privacy reasons, you cannot search for networks on our website.

The app sends notifications to keep the support network on track. These are sent when new tasks are added, help is still needed close to a due date, when new Chat Topics are added and when new Tips are released. You can control your notifications in the app settings.

Yes. You can allocate as many people to be administrators as you wish. These people can add and delete tasks, invite members, send messages, and edit details. To give one of your network admin rights, simply click on their name listed in the Network tab and provide them with admin access.


Download the app from App Store or Google Play and follow the prompts.

Once you have downloaded the app and set up your account, you can create your support network. This involves naming your network, providing some detail about why the support is needed, and uploading a photo if you wish.

Your help needs are created in the app as ‘tasks’. Once you have entered the details of each task, it is visible to your support network who can click to accept and help out.

Yes. Click on the name of the member you wish to make an administrator. Change their role to ‘Administrator’.

You can select specific members to be part of your ‘inner circle’. You can then allocate tasks to this group only (when entering task details). To create your inner circle, click on the name of the member and change their role.

  1. Click on Network
  2. Click top RHS
  3. Edit details
  4. Save changes

  1. Go to Home
  2. Click + button
  3. Choose a task from the Help List or create a custom task
  4. Enter task details
  5. Save

The ‘inner circle’ enables you to identify members of your network that are the closest to you. Your ‘inner circle’ will be able to see specific tasks that you allocate to this group only. The rest of your support network will not be able to see or accept these tasks.

Yes. The name of the member who has accepted the task visible.

  1. Click on task
  2. Click on the ellipse (3 dots) in the top right
  3. Edit

  1. Click on task
  2. Click on the ellipse (3 dots) in the top right
  3. Delete

In your inbox, you will find the ‘Chat’ function where you can create Chat Folders to share updates and upload photos and documents. Chat’ helps you keep all information in one place and is easy to find.

  1. Click on Inbox
  2. Click on +
  3. Add topic and image
  4. Select if visible to ‘inner circle only’
  5. Click add topic
  6. Click on the Topic name to get started.

  1. Click on Inbox
  2. Click on the folder you want to delete
  3. Click on the circle icon in the top right corner
  4. Click on the bin icon in the top right corner
  5. Click to confirm delete

  1. Click on the name of the member
  2. Click delete button

  1. Click on Network
  2. Click top RHS
  3. Click on the ellipse (3 dots)
  4. Click delete

Support Network / Helpers

Members of the support network must receive an SMS invite from the Captain to get started.

Click on the Menu (top LHS). Here you can edit your profile, change your details, set your notification preference, and delete your account.

Yes. You can set your notification preference in your account settings.

Go to the home page. You will see all of the unallocated tasks listed under the Unallocated tab at top of the screen. Have a look through the help that is required and click on the accept button.

Make sure you click on the Complete button attached to the task to keep everyone in the loop.

Open up the accepted task that you can no longer do. Click on the withdraw button at the bottom of the screen. The task will revert back to being ‘unallocated’. If you are doing this with short notice, we recommend that you also notify the app Captain directly.

Yes. Click on the network to see the list of members.

All accepted tasks have the name of the member responsible listed under the task name. You can see this list under the ‘Upcoming’ tab.

Only app Captains and Administrators can start a Chat. Members can respond to any Chat topic listed.

Go to Menu (top LHS) and click on Delete Account.

More information about KiteCrew

What is KiteCrew?

Need help or advice from us? Then get in touch!

Call    1800 REDKITE Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm (AEST)
Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm (AEST)


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