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Take part in research and evaluation

Take part in research and evaluation

Our research team regularly conducts confidential surveys and evaluations with the families who access our services. Sometimes they are asked by colleagues in the cancer research sector to share their call for participants in studies or projects.

External studies seeking participants

If you have had cancer and were aged 0-18 at the time, or have cared for a child or sibling with cancer, you might be interested in taking part in a research study. Your participation could help improve support for others in the future. 

Survey exploring the relationship experiences of families and
adolescents and young adults diagnosed with sarcoma.

The research is being conducted by doctorate student Maureen Tan, supervised by A/Prof
Moira O’Connor and A/Prof Georgia Halkett. from the School of Population Health, Curtin

Understanding the schooling experiences of children and adolescents diagnosed with a brain tumour

The research is being conducted by Dr Verena Pritchard at the Children’s Brain Cancer Centre in Brisbane and Queensland University of Technology.

‘Making Moves’: a digital health education program promoting physical activity for childhood cancer survivors.

The research is being conducted by Dr Lauren Ha, post-doctoral research fellow from the Behavioural Sciences Unit, School of Clinical Medicine, University of New South Wales.

Health for Help: Testing of a nutrition-focused health coaching intervention for cancer caregivers

The research is being conducted by PhD Candidate Rebecca Warren from the School of Population Health, University of New South Wales.

 Child and adolescent cancer research priorities in Australia: An investigation of the voices of stakeholders

The research is being conducted by Gaynai De Sliva, a PhD candiate from the Queensland University of Technology in partnerhsip with Redkite and the James Lind Alliance.

When we list research not being conducted by Redkite, we are not recommending that you take part. We have checks in place to make sure that the research will be conducted ethically but you should make your own decision whether or not you would like to be involved.

We would also like you to know that:

  • You should not feel obliged to participate in any of the studies listed here
  • Your relationship with Redkite won’t be affected by whether or not you take part
  • If you would like to participate, you should consider informing your doctor or health professional
  • If you do decide to take part, you have the right to withdraw from the research at any time, whichever study you take part in
  • Redkite has not and would never pass your details on to the researchers listed here, or any other external researchers, without your permission

To find out more about Research and Evaluation at Redkite, please contact our Research, Evaluation and Impact Manager on (02) 9219 4016