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Making your hospital stay more comfortable: what other parents say

Having to stay in hospital can bring about different challenges. Parents have shared some tips to help you feel more comfortable and to seek support you might need.

words from parents

‘Utilise the volunteers as much as possible to take a break or get some fresh air.’

‘Try to alternate nights in hospital with your partner/grandparent etc.’

‘Study the patient food safety and hygiene section in your information booklet.’

‘Make yourself as comfortable as possible in the room. We had our own doona, pillow etc in the end and in hindsight, we should have bought it in much earlier.’

‘Have a family dinner night at the hospital, get some takeaway or pizza.’

‘If your child is under five, ask to speak with an occupational therapist regarding a central line protective vest. They help protect the central line from exposure to infection as well as deterring your child from pulling it out and damaging it.’

Do you have a keeping comfortable tip? Share them with us 

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