Volunteer Terms and Conditions
Thank you for lending us a hand
Below are the terms and conditions for volunteering for us.

As a volunteer for Redkite I acknowledge and agree:
- I will not be paid for my voluntary work with Redkite
- Redkite considers the protection of the privacy of those who have been assisted or supported by Redkite, and their families, as extremely important and so I agree not to divulge information regarding families (confidential, or otherwise) to anyone outside of Redkite or share information with employees who it is not relevant to, whether during or after the end of my participation as a volunteer
- I will not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any time whilst volunteering at Redkite
- I will represent Redkite with professionalism, dignity and pride and be responsible for conducting myself with courtesy and appropriate behaviour, particularly in relation to the circumstances of the families Redkite support
- I will dress appropriately and will wear a Redkite branded t-shirt when appropriate
- Redkite is a smoke free organisation therefore I agree that I will not smoke whilst wearing this clothing or during any of my volunteering duties
- I will follow all or any reasonable instructions given by a Redkite employee
- I will alert my manage at Redkite immediately if there are any issues that I become aware of that may bring Redkite into disrepute. This would include complaints, confrontations, accidents, or fraudulent activities at Redkite events
- I will follow instructions from employees in relation to the collection, handling, and banking of money if applicable and will immediately report to Redkite any discrepancies noted in monies received to Redkite
- I will not take photographs or videos of those who are being or have been assisted or supported by Redkite (or their families). If I take any photographs or videos whilst volunteering or attending a Redkite event, I agree not to publish these in any form without the express prior written permission of Redkite
- If I become aware of other people taking photographs or video of those who have been assisted or supported by Redkite (or their families) I will raise this with my Redkite’s management
- I consent to being photographed or filmed by approved Redkite staff or contractors during my volunteering with Redkite and give permission to Redkite and any other associated parties to use my picture and likeness contained in any photographs or film for publicity or promotion of Redkite, both now and in the future. If I do not consent to this clause, I will decline to be photographed when asked by the photographer.
- If I have been contacted by any member of the media to make a comment on behalf of Redkite, I will refer them to Redkite’s Marketing Department. I agree not to talk to the media unless Redkite has expressly authorised me to do so
- I will comply with any Redkite policies and procedures (as amended from time to time at the discretion of Redkite) which apply to me as a volunteer. This information and any future amendments will be provided to me in a timely manner as relevant to my role.
- If my State or Territory Law requires it, I give my consent to Redkite to perform any police and background checks that are required. I understand that a failure to provide consent may result in the forfeiting of my participation as a volunteer for Redkite
- I confirm that I have not been convicted of a criminal offence or offences involving children.
- I am volunteering my time in the best interests of Redkite and will not do anything to bring Redkite into disrepute.
- To the extent permitted by law, I indemnify Redkite against any Claim suffered or incurred by Redkite in connection with:
- any act or omission by me while volunteering with Redkite; or
- any breach by me of these terms of volunteering.
“Claim” includes any action, liability, proceeding, demand, damage, loss, cost, or expense however arising, including by me. Redkite need not make any payment before enforcing this indemnity. This indemnity does not apply to the extent that Redkite is negligent. I understand that this indemnity I am giving survives the end of my participation as a volunteer for Redkite