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Connect Group: My child was recently diagnosed

Connect Group: My child was recently diagnosed with cancer - Australian support group

The first few months after receiving a diagnosis is an extremely challenging time. It can be overwhelming to manage such drastic change while also trying to focus on the care of your child and your family. 

This Connect Group is an informal online catch-up for parents, guardians and carers who are at a similar stage of their cancer experience. 

With two Redkite Social Workers there to guide the discussion, you will be able to safely share your experience, discuss challenges and learn strategies that others have found useful. You’re welcome to share as much or as little as you like.

Topics include:

  • Family relationships and wellbeing
  • Navigating the health system
  • Emotional health and stress
  • Helping your child with medicine and treatments
  • Managing emergencies
  • Practical challenges, e.g. house tasks, finances, child care, etc. 

We also welcome you to talk about any other topics you’d like to discuss.

This group is for you if:

  • You are a parent/guardian/carer of a child aged 0-18 who has a cancer diagnosis
  • Your child was diagnosed in the last 6 months
  • You want to meet and talk with other parents/guardians/carers whose children have also been recently diagnosed

Register now on myRedkite to attend this group

person in red and black plaid long sleeve shirt using black laptop computer

What's On

Coffee Catch Ups: Fortnightly group for parents and carers

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Coffee Catch Ups: Fortnightly group for parents and carers

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Connect Groups
Express your interest

Connect Group: My child has a brain tumour

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful.

Connect Group: My child has a brain tumour

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful.

Redkite Connect Groups | Parents of children who have Autism or other developmental and behavioural challenges

Connect Groups
Express your interest

Connect Group: Neurodiversity, disability, and childhood cancer

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful.

Connect Group: Neurodiversity, disability, and childhood cancer

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful.

Senior woman looking at her laptop

Connect Groups
Wed 14 Aug, 11:30am AEST

Connect Group for Grandparents

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful

Connect Group for Grandparents

Our connect groups let you connect over video with people in a similar situation. These informal groups are a space where you can share your experience with people who’ve been there too, as well as talk about challenges and share things you’ve found helpful