Red Bag
Your carry-all from a community who cares.
To access any of our services, call, email, or let us know your details and we’ll get in touch with you.
Family of child
When they’re first diagnosed
Given at hospital
I love my Redkite bag. It makes me feel that I am not alone when I see another family with the same bag. It really helps me to start a conversation and talk to people who understands what I am going through.
Mother of a child with Wilms Tumour from the Central Coast
We know a cancer diagnosis can be sudden and that families often find themselves in hospital with little or no time to prepare. Our Red Bags are packed full of the things you might not think of when you’re rushing out the door to hospital. They’re a big bag of love to carry with you for as long as you need it.
Toiletries selection
1 reusable coffee cup
2 water bottles
Information pack
Activity book
A teddy bear
Further Information
Have an idea for the Red Bag or want to give feedback?
Request information And support
We’re ready to help. Please call us on 1800 REDKITE (Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm AEST), or fill out the form below.