Redkite fundraising
guidelines and agreement
These guidelines have been developed to help you in
your fundraising project and assist you to comply with
Fundraising legislation and best practice in fundraising .
Thank you for your interest in raising funds to help Redkite (ABN 65 104 710 787) provide essential emotional, financial and educational support to children and young people with cancer and their families. Your assistance and support is appreciated and gratefully received.
Thank you for your interest in fundraising for Redkite
These guidelines have been developed to help you in your fundraising project and assist you to comply with Fundraising legislation and best practice in fundraising.
Before you can start fundraising Redkite needs to authorise you to fundraise for us. We will send you a letter of “Acceptance of Application and Authorisation to Fundraise” once acceptance of the Fundraising Guidelines and terms have been received and providing that your fundraising project meets with Redkite’s Guidelines. Until you receive this letter you will not be authorised to use Redkite as your beneficiary charity.
These Guidelines outline the terms and conditions upon which we issue you the Authorisation to Fundraise.
Request information And support
We’re ready to help. Please call us on 1800 REDKITE (Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm AEST), or fill out the form below.
Related resources
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, a dad may need emotional and mental support. We look at how Redkite Counselling and Connect Groups for Dads can help.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, a dad may need emotional and mental support. We look at how Redkite Counselling and Connect Groups for Dads can help.
For children, it can be scary and upsetting watching the effects of cancer treatment for their sibling and seeing them in pain and in and out of hospital.
For children, it can be scary and upsetting watching the effects of cancer treatment for their sibling and seeing them in pain and in and out of hospital.
Significant days and anniversaries can bring expectations. Feelings and emotion can be intensified, when your child is going through cancer.
Significant days and anniversaries can bring expectations. Feelings and emotion can be intensified, when your child is going through cancer.
Below is a list of helpful vs unhelpful things you can say to a person or family whose child is diagnosed with cancer:
Below is a list of helpful vs unhelpful things you can say to a person or family whose child is diagnosed with cancer: