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Coffee Catch Ups: We’re here to listen

Redkite’s Coffee Catch Ups are an opportunity to connect regularly with a supportive network of people who understand childhood cancer.

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it can turn a family’s world upside down. Knowing other families are going through a similar experience can be helpful to feel less alone.  

Our group support programs give families all around Australia a chance to connect with people whose child has been diagnosed with cancer and help parents, carers and children overcome unique challenges specific to childhood cancer. 

Coffee Catch Ups

Families often tell us that facing childhood cancer can be an isolating experience. Redkite’s Coffee Catch Ups are an opportunity to connect regularly with a supportive network of people who understand. 

Coffee Catch Ups are a less formal peer support group. Each session is facilitated by two Redkite social workers, who will start off the conversation with a topic chosen by the group. This begins a casual conversation where everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences.  

These groups are held online once every two weeks and are a safe, relaxed, and open forum where you can meet other parents and carers and talk about the unique challenges of childhood cancer. You’re welcome to share as much or as little as you like. 

A Redkite mum accessed Coffee Catch Up groups when her daughter had finished treatment.  

“I had a coffee catch up with two Redkite counsellors and other mums about the real mix of emotions, because I feel like I should be celebrating but it’s actually hard because all of a sudden my daughter is ripped off all of her support that we’ve been on for the last year and a half. It was great for me, my job was going into the hospital, seeing the doctors, seeing the nurses, seeing the other families. All of that became my support network, and then to suddenly lose that so quickly, it’s a little bit confronting in a way I want to celebrate that my daughter has been through the worst of it, and we’ve come so far and she’s doing really well, but then at the same time there’s also this weird feeling. I’m still coming to terms with that.”  

During Coffee Catch Ups, we spend some time talking about the certain holiday periods, the challenges that can come up and what might be helpful for you during this time of year. You can also suggest any other topics you’d like to discuss.  

Topics include: 

  • Ideas for self-care 
  • Caring for a child through treatment 
  • General sharing – what’s happening with you and your family 

We also welcome you to talk about any other topics you’d like to discuss. 

This group is for you if: 

  • You are an adult connected to a child aged 0-18 years old who has a cancer diagnosis 
  • You want to meet and talk with other adults in a similar situation 

We welcome new and returning participants and you are free to attend each fortnight, or irregularly as it suits you and your schedule. There are no commitments required and you are welcome back at any stage. 

Register on myRedkite to attend the next Coffee Catch Up


Request information And support

We’re ready to help. Please call us on 1800 REDKITE (Mon – Fri 9am – 7pm AEST), or fill out the form below.

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