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By My Side: Stories from parents whose child has died from cancer

In this 3-minute video, we hear the experiences, feelings and opinions of bereaved parents who participated in a research study. The video has also been translated into Mandarin, Cantonese, ArabicItalian and Greek.

People learn to walk with their pain because if they talk about it, or if they try to be part of it everyone else abandons them

By My Side: Stories from parents whose child has died from cancer is both a book and short video created for bereaved parents. You can order the book free of charge by below or by contacting us.

This book of quotes was produced by Redkite in partnership with Dr Leigh Donovan – a clinician, researcher and advocate in paediatric palliative care and loss, grief and bereavement.

Over 100 parents participated in a research study (2012-2016) where they generously shared the story of their child’s cancer experience, end of life and family’s journey into bereavement. The quotes and images in both the video and book represent the experience of these parents; they may not be representative of all bereaved parents.

By My Side aims to shine a light on the experience of living without your child. Many bereaved parents speak of deep loneliness. The guidance and insight in these quotes may also be helpful for the family and friends supporting bereaved parents.

I still see myself as a mother, I always  thought that now my role as a mum is to make sure our son isn’t forgotten and  to do things in his memory

Order a copy of By My Side, free of charge

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