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Meet Katja: A Redkite Social Worker Empowering Childhood Cancer Families

As we celebrate World Social Work Day on March 21, 2023, we caught up with one of our remarkable social workers, Katja, who embodies this year’s theme of “Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action.”

To be told your child has cancer is every parent’s nightmare. It inevitably affects the entire families mental, emotional, physical and financial wellbeing and requires a holistic support model outside the medical world to improve the families wellbeing.

Our team of Redkite Social Workers are childhood cancer specialists and have been there for countless families and children throughout their cancer journey.

Katja is a just one in our team of dedicated Redkite Social Worker’s who has spent her career working with children and families across diverse communities and populations, helping to bridge gaps and empower families.

Her commitment to respecting diversity and promoting holistic support models for families child facing cancer has had a profound impact on the lives of many.

Katja spoke to us about her journey, her approach to social work, and the impact she has made on families facing childhood cancer.

At Redkite we recognise the essential role that social workers play in the lives of families facing childhood cancer and want to showcase the incredible work that all of our Redkite Social Workers do daily.

I was drawn to social work because I have always had a passion for helping others and making a positive impact on people’s lives. Social work provides a unique opportunity to work directly with individuals and communities, addressing their needs and promoting social change on a larger scale.

As I’ve worked in the field over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the unique challenges and rewards of working with children facing childhood cancer and their families. It’s an incredibly difficult experience for everyone involved, and I feel privileged to be able to offer support and resources to help these families through what can be a very challenging time in their lives.

Overall, social work aligns with my values and allows me to use my skills and strengths to make a meaningful difference in the word.


My passion area is working with children. Sometimes children find it difficult to engage in counselling. Children express themselves differently to adults. I use games, toys, stories art and other interactive activities to help them tell their story, communicate their feelings and experiences.

I always let children know that the session is their session and I ask them what they’d like to do. Creating a safe and supportive environment and building a good relationship are very important too in engaging children.

A lot of our work is virtual, which can add an additional challenge to working with children. I’ve learned to be very creative in my work.


Ultimately, my goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where clients feel seen, heard, and valued, regardless of their cultural background. Overall, my experience working with diverse populations has taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and an open-minded approach. By recognising and celebrating our differences, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone involved.

I also actively seek out opportunities for professional development and attend workshops, trainings, and conferences on cultural competency. I also regularly engage in self-reflection and examine my own biases and assumptions to ensure that they do not negatively impact my interactions with clients.

Every day in Australia, three families are changed forever because of childhood cancer. Cancer doesn’t discriminate and can happen to any family, so we support and welcome families from all cultural, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds.

One family that stands out to me was a young couple with a toddler with Leukemia. They were referred to me right after their child was first diagnosed. The family were struggling emotionally and financially, as both parents had to quit his job to take care of their children.

I linked the family to different resources and financial assistance programs. During my sessions with Mum, we spoke about the many ups and downs and challenges the family was experiencing and as well as navigating change.

We spoke a lot about self-care, coping strategies and ways to strengthen their relationship as a family. When the family got to the end of treatment, Mum shared a video of their child ringing the bell (marking the end of treatment).

Mum wanted to share this important moment with me and wanted to say thank you. This touched me deeply and truly reminded me of why I became a social worker in the first place.

Let’s get started

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